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My name is Theresa. If you want to know more about me the blog explains my thoughts, wishes, dreams, and aspirations better than the 500 character maximum allowed in this description box!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Planning Ahead


Woke up later than the usual, at 6:20am. I quickly got ready and made my bed, then talked with Phill on Skype around 7:00am for a short chat. I hurried to school and my co-teacher was back from his holiday. Yay, I’m not alone for the whole day. Worked on the summer camp lesson plans after the wonderful brainstorm yesterday. I have a rough draft and I made a lot of progress considering I learned of the camp not more than 24 hours ago. I still have yet to sit-in or teach in any English class at the school. I guess they’re just letting me adjust or something. I have 12 sections planned, in case the students are more advanced then I originally thought. They are from the lower to middle income families; most are living in the subsidized housing in the Humansia apartments. Those apartments are springing up everywhere near the school.

I’ve been told not to expect great things from most of them. But that won’t stop me from pushing to teach them. If I can learn Korean this year, they can learn some English. I tried to contact the U.S. Embassy via Phone, and no luck (I tried calling for an hour straight). They are very difficult to get a hold of, so I sent a quick email. Apparently, they respond to email better, that’s what I’ve been told. I saw a student at school today wearing the Korean Cub Scout uniform and I asked him (in English) “are you a boy scout?” and he nodded yes. I told him I was a girl scout a long time ago. That was my highlight during school. On my way home I wondered around the park next to my school. It is very beautiful.

After school I met up with Michael (Brian was unable to get out of his all male school dinner). We walked to Osan (about a 40 min walk) and he kindly showed me around downtown.

We went to the open market, it was huge. On the weekends it’s apparently very busy. We saw a jindo dog (any dog bigger than a lap dog is rare in this city) it was very cute and friendly.

We stopped at one of the cinemas in Osan, inside was a quaint coffee shop. I had a lemon ‘smoothie’, very tart and very sweet. I saw a movie poster for ‘Eclipse’; Twilight seems to be bigger here then at home strangely.

I keep seeing trailers for it on Korean TV. I can’t escape it. Afterwards, we headed home and took the bus (the Green 301), only cost 1,000 Won, a good bargain. After a busy day, it was nice coming home to unwind, but I enjoyed every minute of it!


  1. Was the puppy for sale? Or does own him and he just hangs out for people to come visit and pet him....looks VERY soft!
