Woke up with extreme pain in lower back and abs. Glad it was Friday and I was looking forward to getting a lot of rest on the weekend. Last day of summer All Day class at 1pm. During the morning I got my lesson plan together and worksheets for the day. I watched half of Post Grad, that film reminded me of my situation after I graduated from college. I was filled with so much hope to start my career right away, then realizing I didn’t have the credentials and I moved back home. So, I understood the frustration of the main character, at least what I’ve seen so far. Since, I taught the All Day class at 1 pm I missed lunch with the other teachers, but they got me an egg salad sandwich and milk from Paris Baguette. I am not a fan of eggs, like at all, but it was purchased specifically just for me, from Jen. So, I ate half of it and I drank all the milk. It made my stomach hurt further. ☹ I watched the second half of Post Grad and I felt the ending was odd, too much of a happy ending. She got the job, the guy, and her family. I still didn’t feel well. I finished prepping for the first week of second semester. At 5 o’clock, I left for dinner with the school staff and teachers. It wasn’t an optional dinner for me. I ate seafood/sushi and I felt a little better, but I could tell a fever was starting to form. I think everyone could tell I was acting different. I got home late and talked to Phill on Gmail briefly. I told him about the day’s activities and I gave him a quick list of my symptoms. I went to bed, hoping by morning I would be feeling better. I took two ibuprofen for good measure.
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