I was released from the hospital on 8/31/10. Yay. Clean bill of health! On Wednesday I returned to work, as per usual, but everyone was anticipating the approaching typhoon. Needless to say, I was excited. My first typhoon! I’m actually going to experience what my BS Senior Research Paper was all about! Seriously, I can still be a weather nerd.

It was a terrible example of my ability to blend colors with crayons. :/ Oils are much more forgiving! Anyways, there was extensive damage in Gyeonggi province. I have attached some links showing how much it affected not only Seoul, but the nation as well. http://joongangdaily.joins.com/article/view.asp?aid=2925479
These photos are a small example of the damage around my school and home.
Currently, there is a Korean cabbage shortage, because of the poor weather this summer and the typhoons. This is a major news story in Korea. The president has allowed an 'emergency cabbage' situation, in which Chinese cabbage will be imported without any extra customs fees. http://english.donga.com/srv/service.php3?bicode=040000&biid=2010092871018
whooooooooo weather nerd!