I was released from the hospital on 8/31/10. Yay. Clean bill of health! On Wednesday I returned to work, as per usual, but everyone was anticipating the approaching typhoon. Needless to say, I was excited. My first typhoon! I’m actually going to experience what my BS Senior Research Paper was all about! Seriously, I can still be a weather nerd.
I was told that Typhoon Kompasu would make landfall early on Thursday morning. It was actually one of the few typhoons to reach the Seoul city limits. In open water, it reached a category 3 rating, but as we all know as soon as it made landfall the intensity and strength decreased. It was rated as a category 1 typhoon when it went through the Gyeonggi Province. I actually woke up in the middle of the night/early morning from the sounds of the strong winds and moderate rainfall. It was a fast moving typhoon, by morning, my daily walk to school was just rain with strong gusts of wind. To my surprise Typhoon Kompasu actually followed much of the DMZ as it went on land. Even a typhoon knows where the country borders are, lol. Unfortunately, there was extensive damage in both countries. My experienced entailed a lot of rain, high winds, and a ‘short’ power outage at work. Luckily, I still had everything working at my apartment. At school, the power didn’t come on until 11 am. So, I spent most of my morning drawing a ‘Thank you’ card for Aunt Yang Young-Rae.
It was a terrible example of my ability to blend colors with crayons. :/ Oils are much more forgiving! Anyways, there was extensive damage in Gyeonggi province. I have attached some links showing how much it affected not only Seoul, but the nation as well. http://joongangdaily.joins.com/article/view.asp?aid=2925479
These photos are a small example of the damage around my school and home.
Currently, there is a Korean cabbage shortage, because of the poor weather this summer and the typhoons. This is a major news story in Korea. The president has allowed an 'emergency cabbage' situation, in which Chinese cabbage will be imported without any extra customs fees. http://english.donga.com/srv/service.php3?bicode=040000&biid=2010092871018
whooooooooo weather nerd!